
Freedom from web 2.0's monopoly platforms

By "unhosted web apps" we mean browser-based apps with no server-side backend. Unlike server-side or client-server apps, unhosted web apps leave users in control of their valuable user data and privacy, by default.

Unhosted web apps are also more resilient and more scalable. Most importantly, unlike Apple/iOS, Flash, and Facebook apps, the web platform is open and free: controlled by you and not by stockholders.

Move your web-based app into the browser Five reasons to develop unhosted web apps

Unhosted web apps do not harvest user data onto a server. For both users and web developers this has many advantages over the more server-centric web 2.0 architecture that's typically used in web-based Software-as-a-Service (hosted web apps), and in same-origin AJAX apps (so called "one-page apps") that use one tightly coupled backend.

  • More privacy

    Because unhosted web apps don't force the use of their servers on you, you can sync your data yourself, to a place that you trust. Dutch universities already run such a 'remote storage' service, specifically designed to be compatible with unhosted web apps.

  • Cheaper to publish

    The developer doesn't need to pay for the infrastructure. This makes it feasible to publish unhosted web apps as altruistic free software. Once an unhosted web app is set free into the public domain, it will be available forever.

  • Decentralization

    More robust/resilient architecture, with no Single Point of Failure - especially if combined with peer-to-peer distribution.

  • Data freedom

    With your data living outside the app, you can switch back and forth between apps without even exporting and importing. Better than data liberation, this is personal data freedom brought to the web.

  • Scalability

    Scalability is built into your unhosted web app from the start. Apps can be distributed through app stores, and each user runs their own local copy of the app while syncing their data to their own remote storage.